DRAP – Driver Responsibility Assessment Program

NYS Traffic Violations can have a major impact on a person’s ability to drive. If a defendant-motorist receives six points or more on his license, he is required to pay additional fees in order to maintain his right to drive through the Driver Responsibility Assessment Program (DRAP). Currently, the fine is set at an annual find of $100.00 for a three-year period, with an additional charge of $25 per point over six.
Can’t pay? You will end up being suspended and unable to legally drive. This will have a dramatic and immediate effect on your ability to get from home to work, school, or leisure activities. You will need to take public transportation or ask someone for a ride. This can be embarrassing and inconvenient.
If you find yourself with a traffic violation, you need a team of experienced traffic attorneys to help guide you through the legal system and fight for your rights. The Law Offices of Isaac Abraham can help you when you are faced with the Driver Responsibility Assessment Program and points on your license. We will defend you and your ability to legally drive.
Contact us today if you have been charged with a NYS Traffic Violation. Our experienced staff of attorneys is waiting to help you.